



The scientific research conducted in the 1930’s was published in top medical journals of the time such as the famous The Romanian Review of Endocrinology. Generally, the following diseases were evinced on the list: rheumatism, sciatics, chronic inflammations of the genital parts (periparamatris, salpingitis, ooforitis etc.), chronic prostate, chronic phlebitis, chronic ganglion infections, rachitism, limfatism, chronic frostbite, various skin disease).These properties are maintained today. The spa has 15 sources naturally endowed with a huge curative potential. Each has a different chemical composition as well as different therapeutic effects.

For example source n°1 has the following chemical contents: SIO3Na2=0.15, ClNa=o8, ClAl=0.01, ClNH4=0.03, ClK=0.01, ClLi=0.01, ClMag=0.02, Cl2Ca=0.2, Ca=0.3, Fe=0.02, Mn=0.01, Radium=1.28 m.m.c.


The chlorinated, carbonated, sodium, calcium and lithyum-laden water may be used for drinking with digestive-diuretic effects, it reduces bladder secretion and eases bladder disturbances. The other sources have proven effects on gastric diseases, rheuma, distrophic infantile growth, anemia, rachytism, kidney irregularities, arteroschlerosis, and stomach pains. The mud contains 800 units of foliculin and 240 000 units of auxin, soluble sulphur, sulphates, sulph-hydrogen. The radium emanation=0.77 m.m.c



The Someseni radioactive waters have the highest healthy radioactivity in Romania. Radioactivity strengthens the nervous system by exerting a neuro-sedative activity, it stimulates the glands with internal secretion, especially the suprarenal capsules, it fosters the red globules, nutrition is ameliorated, oxygen consumption accrues, more ureea is eliminated. One of its relevant disease targets are depression, obesity, nervous system afflictions, such as depression or nevritis. The waters and the mud are not advisable for pregnancy, apoplexy, advanced arterosclerosis, febrile states, kidney diseases, acute gastroenteritis, tuberculosis.